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November 29, 2013


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What a lovely, thankful post! I know we'd all be happier if we continually focused on our blessings.


Great Post Shelley..like you Thanksgiving is one of my FAVORITE holidays and I too feel like it gets overlooked or forgotten...we also talked about what we are grateful for and filled up our branch tree with leaves....

Your firepit looks amazing and I hope you get a chance to enjoy it!! Aidan says to tell Hyrum hello and let him know that he is getting baptized and is SUPER excited. Hopefully next year we will get a chance to see you guys and catch up!!!

Beverly Atkins

I can't believe it. As I was rolling down reading I thought I need to ask you how the fire pit was coming and here it is. It's amazing (am I boring you with that word? it just fits!) I know you all are going to enjoy it. I love the stone. Can't wait to see the post.


Dear Shelley,
My husband Larry told me about you and your blog - and all the incredible things that you do. Taking a quick look at your website, I totally agree.

I am more of a curator, a gatherer of community events, issues, program on the outer banks. WWW.obxcommongood.org which mophed into a facebook page, calendar and volunteeer hub.

Love the fire pit. We tried to put in a 7 circuit maze about 6 years ago but flying pests drove us out. There is a lovely one at the Episcopal church in Kitty Hawk

Blessings and Peace

Nancy P.B

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