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October 06, 2013


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Jen Nicholson

Love to see all your posts Shelley! These buildings are so beautiful, thanks for sharing! I think you would have made a much better pioneer than you think--at least you're able to do things like sewing, baking from scratch and making furniture. My family would have been well fed, but NOT well dressed LOL!


I agree with Jen, you would have made an excellent pioneer because you are a woman of many talents and a fearless executor of projects. I've no doubt, you would have had the prettiest and homiest wagon on the trek west. Love your pictures. You captured a lot of beauty with your lens.


Thank you for sharing the photo's it brought back so many, many memories...it also soothed my homesickness for family and friends out west :)

You are correct we are spoiled when we can just hop on a plain and not have to go by handcart!!! I also LOVED The picture of Hazel with the Christus and note that we too are Christians....

Liz Holmes

I love your travelogue, Shelley! And as a Catholic Christian, I am always happy to learn more about the different faith traditions that make up the community of Christians.

And hey -- it's your blog -- why shouldn't you be able to offer some information to others about the history of your faith?

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  • In short, I'm a wife, mother, artist, and creator of all sorts of things. I've categorized my creative endeavors into seven main areas, hence the 7 Layers; Textile/Pattern design, Sewing, Photography, Interior/Landscape design, Painting/Drawing, Monotypes/Printmaking, and Baking/Cake Decorating. There. I think that's 7(ish). You're welcome to use any of my ideas for personal use, but please do not copy and sell the things/ideas you see here without my permission. Thanks, and enjoy!

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