There was a lot of ball-dropping going on this past year, what with the exhausting pace of last-minute remodeling in our old house and the move into our new place. Among the many things that got dropped was a fancy birthday cake for Hazel's birthday.
I'm embarrassed to say just how long ago her birthday in before Halloween kind of belatedness. At the time of her birthday, we were still moving in/making changes to the house and I was just too overwhelmed to pull a fancy party together. Besides, we hardly knew any little ones in the area for her to invite to a party! Well, lately Hazel has been talking a lot about the fact that she never even got a birthay cake this year and the mommy guilt kicked in bigtime.
Better late than never, eh? We invited all the kids in her preschool class and they had a terrific time playing games and eating butterfly cake. Success!
The flowers, in case you were wondering, were made by cutting cross-sections of large marshmallows and dipping the sticky parts into colored sugar (a technique I've seen other people do online, with some really beautiful results - I saw an all-white wedding cake that was gorgeous). I used frosting and toothpicks to hold them in place on the the sides of the cake.
The butterfly and polka dots were made by piping melted white chocolate onto waxed paper, then covering the candy with colored sugar before it cooled and hardened. The butterfly wings were done in 2 steps: first the pink wings were piped (I drew out a paper pattern and placed it under the waxed paper to use as a guide), covered them in sugar, and allowed to cool. Then the other shapes were piped (I had left blank spots in the wings where I wanted other colors to be) and covered with different colors of sugar. I piped and coated the butterfly body separately as well.
We didn't have the heart to break the butterfly up - it's still sitting on a plate in our kitchen. Hmmm...maybe I should just save it for her next birthday...after all, it's only 6 months away! :-)
Ah, mommy guilt. Been there, felt that, especially during the days before my husband retired from the military. Uncle Sam pretty much dictated where we were, when we'd move, and birthdays and holidays were rarely if ever taken into consideration. Thank goodness for flexible and forgiving children!
The cake is adorable- LOVE the butterfly, and I'm certain your little miss felt the love you put into it.
Posted by: Michaele Sommerville | February 18, 2013 at 08:15 AM
This cake is BEAUTIFUL!!! I know how Mommy guilt works :) We miss you guys and I think about you often. I had a pizza party a few weeks ago with Eric and Arian Johnson and the McArthurs and it just did not feel right without having you guys here but I know it is a little drive :)
If you are ever coming this way...let me know and I will throw another party :)
Posted by: Wendi Lane | February 25, 2013 at 11:43 AM