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June 28, 2012


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Ida Z

Yeah! Welcome back to blog land. I love love checking in on your fab posts!

Beverly Atkins

I'm so happy you're back. I check your blog every day and was thrilled when it popped up with a new date on it today! I look forward to hearing more from you and hope that going forward things will be much better for you and your family. Welcome back, I really missed you!

Edith Songer

I kept thinking I should call you--always at ten o'clock at night--midnight your time. And even though Casey said you'd probably be up til one in the morning, I just couldn't bring myself to call that late.
That sounds so stressful to move your kids into a new school at the end of the year. But hopefully it meant they made some friends to hang out with through the summer.
If you ever feel like talking at midnight, give me a call, it'll only be ten my time!

Sarah Cresap

I've been wondering about you, but knew that you were working on your houses. I'm glad you were able to come up for a breath of air. I wish I had your pinky's worth of get-it-done ability. You are amazing.

Wendi Lane

I have been wondering about you and AIdan has asked many times when he can see Hyrum again :) I am glad that you are finally settled and adjusting to North Carolina!!

Your family has been in our thoughts and prayers and we still think of you often :) I would love to send something to you so would you please send me your address at my [email protected] ???

Hugs and tell everyone hi!!

Britt Burton

I hope you have THE BEST RENTERS ever that will take care of your absolutely beautiful home.

Kate Wilson

just beautiful! doesn't it feel so good to know it's all lovely and finished and perfect? i hope you can recover from the stress of it all and enjoy your accomplishments! and oh, but doesn't your new house have the dreamiest porch? looking forward to what you'll have in store for it. You are inspiring, Shelly. Hope you have at least a little down time to relax and enjoy some summer fun with your cute family.

patio door locks

Amazing photos! Thanks so much for sharing:)

Decorative Concrete Floors

Great photos. I really enjoyed looking at your beautiful home. Thank you for sharing.

Elgin IL plumbers

Thanks for sharing!! The photos of your bathroom remind me of redoing mine, and having to get someone to come in to fix all of my plumbing problems. The end result is so beautiful! You did a wonderful job, so glad you shared!


This is all i can say! WOW i'm so amazed! I hope i can have this bathrooms someday .. maybe 20 years from now. Thanks for this post this may help me a lot.

God bless.

Elia Lester

First off, I would like to say that you have such a lovely home. And I think the heavy work really paid off. From the design to the plumbing system, it clearly shows the effort you put into making your residence a gorgeous one.

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  • In short, I'm a wife, mother, artist, and creator of all sorts of things. I've categorized my creative endeavors into seven main areas, hence the 7 Layers; Textile/Pattern design, Sewing, Photography, Interior/Landscape design, Painting/Drawing, Monotypes/Printmaking, and Baking/Cake Decorating. There. I think that's 7(ish). You're welcome to use any of my ideas for personal use, but please do not copy and sell the things/ideas you see here without my permission. Thanks, and enjoy!

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