Am I being ungrateful when I sigh at the sight of so much white stuff, when last year I was whining because we hadn't experienced snow in years? If so, let me try and explain: last week, when the sun was shining warmly, it seemed that glorious spring was just around the corner. Christmas is over, a warm breeze was drifting through the trees, and my spring bulbs were beginning to peek through to greet the world. I was giddy in anticipation. That was last week. This week, we got hit with an even bigger snowstorm than we had last month!
Does this look like Virginia to you?! I haven't actually measured, but the snow is deeper now than the picture of this table that I took after the last uncharacteristically voluminous snowfall we had.
Here's a shot in the midst of the flurries taken from the front door. Those little black things barely poking up above the snow are mailboxes.
Hmmm....there's GOT to be a van under there somewhere! Steve spent a large portion of his Saturday trying to keep the snow at bay in our driveway. Then on Sunday he joined the rest of the neighbors to finish digging us and everyone else out on our culdesac. It was quite the chore! Thanks, honey. I've been having issues with my lower back and my left shoulder so he handled the entire job this time.
Here's Steve rescuing a stranded, bootless Hyrum. The snow claimed his footwear, and he was NOT happy! Note Eliza's leg in this picture before...
...and after! Yes, we have another member of the Bootless Club.
The kids finally discovered that the best way to prevent lost boots and being buried up to their waists was to crawl. They were out there chanting, "CRAWL! CRAWL! CRAWL!" It was very cute. I couldn't believe how long Hazel lasted out there in the blizzard - that girl loves snow, even when her clothes are soaked, her hair is clumped into icicles, and her hands are freezing.
Tomorrow is yet another day off from school (I'm beginning to think we're going to have school until July due to all these snow days!) so we have big plans to make a big snow slide in our front yard. Since I don't really have any proper snow gear, I'm trying to get excited about it. Six inches is one thing, 2 feet is quite another. To all my spring bulbs underground (those that weren't eaten by critters, that is...grrrr), please have patience. I've been waiting 6 years to see you (we were in Hawaii for 5.5 years) but I guess I'd better settle back into winter mode a little while longer before I get to see you peek through the spring earth and show off your pretty little selves. You'll be worth the wait, I just know it.
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