No, we didn't travel to Michigan or Wyoming or upstate New York...this is mild, temperate Virginia. Apparently once every 10 years or so a big snowstorm like this blows in with winds from the south, and here it is!
I think it's safe to say we'll have a white Christmas this year.
The blizzard started Friday night and was over early Sunday morning. This photo of the patio table was taken in the middle of the day on Saturday, it was about 16 inches high at that point. Crazy!
I went out and took this shot on Friday night, when the Christmas lights were still visible. I was really excited about the snow the first 6 inches or so, but after spending an hour getting the kids all bundled up to go sledding Saturday morning, only to have them return 30 minutes later all wet and cold with the ensuing piles of soggy winter clothes and immediate demands for dry ones and hot food, I was a little less enchanted with the whole snow thing. Then, after spending an hour and half shoveling our sidewalk and driveway, only to have the snow cover everything with another 8 inches of fluffy white matter, I was REALLY leaning more on the side of "wow, lots of snow can be a pain in the neck - and back!"
I got over my annoyance, though, when on Sunday morning the sky was clear, the sun was making the snow sparkle like diamonds, and everything looked so pristine and peaceful. Steve had already cleared the back deck by the time I took this photo on Sunday morning, but he kindly left my "snow-depth meter" untouched on the patio table. It's at 20 inches. Wow! I don't think I've ever lived anywhere that dumped 20 inches at once, but maybe I'm just not remembering my winters at BYU-Utah very well. All you northerers are probably chuckling right now, because I'm sure this is nothing to you...but in a state that isn't equipped to handle heavy snowfall, it's quite the deal.
There were even lovely icicles gracing our eaves on the back of the house. They sparkled in sunshine like crystals, only prettier.
The kids had a great time romping around in the powder. Too bad it's not wet enough to make a snow family...maybe when it starts to melt we'll be able to do that.
Here's Eliza, Queen of the Snow Hill! That big pile used to be on our driveway. No wonder my muscles are sore! :-) I actually didn't do the whole driveway by myself - Steve came out and finished it up despite his aversion to the wet, white, cold stuff.
I've lost count of how many times he has declared that we're moving back to Hawaii! Sorry, buddy. I'm not moving again for a LONG time (I hope!)
Hyrum had a rough time of it when he went out in the blizzard to play on Saturday, but he was all smiles today! That bright happy sunshine and no stinging snow in his face made all the difference.
Hazel wasn't quite sure what to think of all this snow. She REFUSED to wear gloves or mittens (and those of you who know Hazel, know that it's impossible to get her to wear what she doesn't want to), so her little hands were pretty chilly.
It didn't stop her from eating finger-fulls of snow though! She would delicately dip her finger in the snow, then lick it clean and go for another dip. Whatever floats your boat, kiddo.
It's probably pretty hard to see, but this is Eliza's snow angel. This was a particularly deep drift of snow...look, she's up to her shoulders in it! Okay, not really, but it sure looks that way. I remember the joys of snow angels when I was little. Except we usually only had an inch or two to work with, so when we'd get up the muddy, grassy ground would be visible in the shape of an angel. From a mother's perspective, that must have been quite the chore to get our muddy clothes all cleaned up every time we went out to play. And Mom always had homemade hot chocolate ready for us when we came back in all cold and wet. Thanks, Mom!
So, anybody want me to send them a snowball?
ps. If you'd like to make your own White Christmas, wherever you may live, click on my tutorial for delicate paper snowflakes here.
Too bad it was a weekend and the kids missed out on a snow day from school!
Actually, the same thing happened to us last weekend. You should have seen us trying to get to church down our unplowed driveway in our minivan. It only took us twenty minutes to get to get to the plowed road 300 feet away.
Yes, you are forgetting your BYU days. Your first year was mild and you thought we were all warning you for no good reason. But I'm pretty sure we got well creamed the second year. And third. Etc.
Posted by: Edith Songer | December 20, 2009 at 01:45 PM
Looks beautiful~!!!
Posted by: La TempĂȘte | December 20, 2009 at 01:55 PM
Ohhh! I wish I could go play in the snow! Maybe next year! For this year, I'll just try my best to enjoy the beach and the warmth and wait to see where we might end up next!
Posted by: CoconutKate | December 21, 2009 at 07:23 AM
Gosh i miss the snow so badly now. i can't wait to show my sister, who declares right along side with me that california is lame during the winter. wish you could just throw a snowball our way. that would make it feel a bit more like christmas around here. have fun indoors with all the little darlings!
Posted by: tanya | December 21, 2009 at 11:36 AM