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December 25, 2009


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Sarah Cresap

Oh my goodness! My kids are just like that with any foods besides nuggets! What a relief that we're not the only ones. Our rule is keep your comments to yourselves and make your own dinner if you don't like what Mom made. Cole told me the other night, "I'm getting really tired of making my own dinner. Why do I always have to do that?" Me, "Hhmmmm...." Not fair, neither Clint and I were picky eaters as kids, so why us?

Angie Evenson

I had to laugh, same story at our house. My kids had a very special Christmas dinner of Kraft macaroni and cheese. Of course I did the traditional ham dinner and sides also. Honestly it was such a nice day that it didn't feel like it was going to be worth the fight. So I made the kids dinner first and they ate happily while I out the finishing touches on ours. They came in and nibbled a bit but I think they were just waiting on the pies. ;)

Angie Evenson

Almost forgot, thank you for the darling ornament. Love it!


I made my kids matching flannel pajama pants too! The night before Christmas Eve... sigh, I can never get things done in a timely fashion! I put matching applique first initials on their shirts to match. I love to follow your blog, you do some amazing work! Hope your new year is wonderful!

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  • In short, I'm a wife, mother, artist, and creator of all sorts of things. I've categorized my creative endeavors into seven main areas, hence the 7 Layers; Textile/Pattern design, Sewing, Photography, Interior/Landscape design, Painting/Drawing, Monotypes/Printmaking, and Baking/Cake Decorating. There. I think that's 7(ish). You're welcome to use any of my ideas for personal use, but please do not copy and sell the things/ideas you see here without my permission. Thanks, and enjoy!

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