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May 17, 2009


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Well Hazel will feel like a princess in that room! I just don't make rooms come together like you can.

Love the skirts. Especially the cherry one. Can I copy for Anne and the baby (if it is a girl that is)?

Sona Jacob


I have been following your blog for a long time and love the colours that you use as well as the really wonderful things that you do around your house, to make it a home.

My husband and I run a design and illustration studio. You can check us out at www.sonaandjacob.com. We have over 15 years of design and illustration experience. Besides I am an avid fabric enthusiast...

Having said all that, I would like to offer my technical expertise in Illustrator and Photoshop to help you put your designs into fabric-company-friendly format.

Would you like to explore this?

Regards and much admiration,

Sona Jacob

deb mohr

Martha Stewart's in serious trouble, lol!! Does she KNOW about you, lol!!

Bopha Pinchokchay

I'm thinking about painting my daughter's room lavender but there are so many shades to pick from. What is the name and brand of the lavender for Hazel's room?


I'm sorry, but we have moved twice since this room was done and I have no idea what paint color that was. The general rule of thumb I try to live by is pick a color that is lighter and more grey than I think I want - interior colors are so much more intense than what they seem on a little chip. Best of luck to you!

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  • In short, I'm a wife, mother, artist, and creator of all sorts of things. I've categorized my creative endeavors into seven main areas, hence the 7 Layers; Textile/Pattern design, Sewing, Photography, Interior/Landscape design, Painting/Drawing, Monotypes/Printmaking, and Baking/Cake Decorating. There. I think that's 7(ish). You're welcome to use any of my ideas for personal use, but please do not copy and sell the things/ideas you see here without my permission. Thanks, and enjoy!

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