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March 31, 2009


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The dressers, flowers and colors are all divine! And I love peonies and rananculus. There are #2 and #3 after my all-time fave of hydrangeas.

I'm glad that you found your charger.

Kristy Erickson

I missed all the crafty stuff when living in HI too. I forgot how much selection we have over here. Totally do not take it for granted anymore!


Wow, you surely have been busy!! I love what you've done with the dressers - they are so petty in white with green trim. And as always, I am amazed at what you get done. Great pics of the kids with the cherry blossoms!! That was inspired, to dress the girls in pink to match! Got my Michaels fix last week when I was in Arizona with Lani & the twins - and now that I see your gorgeous wreath, I wish I had been looking for such things! Well, next time. Much Aloha to you!

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Seriously, just $10 for each of those furniture? The new design is definitely better. Yes, French Provincial style is a classic! It's like every little girl's dream design of their bedrooms. I think purple goes well with green/white.

Anyway, as for your red tulip photos, I love the third photo. The micro effect is quite strong and beautiful.

How much did you pay for that wreath? I have a $500 budget for my redesigning ideas, though. And I'll b getting the money in just two days.

- Sofia Britts


I missed all the crafty stuff when living in HI too. I forgot how much selection we have over here. Totally do not take it for granted anymore!

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