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October 14, 2008


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jacqui jones

ooooer thanks for these
i cant wait to give the smaller one a go and then work on some for me...
your stitching is beautiful as usually
loving the fabric u can get your hands one!


Hooray! Now I can ATTEMPT to make a skirt--although I am sure it won't turn out as good as if you had made it. London loves the skirts you made her. Next time I think you should have pictures of you MODELING the skirts!!

Shelley Detton

umm, that would be a big NO on the modeling comment...at least not until I lose the baby fat that continues to linger a full year after having Hazel! :-)
It's head shots for me until I can muster up the self-discipline to get out there and start exercising again...


Thanks for the tutorial. Welcome to check up my twirly skirt..

michelle johnnie

Those ARE gorgeous! I want to matching skirts for my daughter and I. I'm linking again!


Awesome, thanx for the tutorial

white skirts

Love the site - I have added it to my favorites. Thanks


Shelley, I have never commented, but I wanted to say thank you for these tutorials. I have made many girls and several ladies skirts as well as other projects you have here. I teach a girls sewing club and use your tutorials and they always enjoy the projects. Thank you!


Melody, thanks for writing - I'm so glad you've been able to put my tutorials to good use! That's wonderful that you teach a sewing club - I'm glad the girls have enjoyed my projects. Happy sewing!

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